The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind.  Freud called it the unconscious mind, and believed it has a will and purpose of its own that cannot be known to the conscious mind.  It may also be known as instinct, gut feeling, intuition.  I believe the subconscious mind is that deepest part of our soul, and is the very compass that guides our life’s course.

Perhaps the best description I’ve ever heard of the subconscious mind comes from Dr. Sean Sullivan,, a Bay-Area clinical psychologist, author and creator of The Mind Master program.

We are going to discuss some of his material in greater depth in future posts, but basically Dr. Sullivan describes a picture of your life as being on two sides of a bridge.  On one side is where you are now, living your daily life in your conscious mind.  On the other side are the hopes, dreams and ambitions you hope to achieve.  Or think of it this way, on the other side could literally be anything you want to accomplish, big or small.  In between you and where you want to be is the bridge, and on that bridge is a bridge keeper, representing your subconscious mind.

The bridge keeper stores up all the accounts of everything that has happened in your life.  He/she comprises your genetic makeup, your upbringing, every single thing that has ever happened to you in the past is stored there with the bridge keeper.  So when you try to move across the bridge, to that place you want to go, the bridge keeper is there to create fear, doubt, and to bring every remembrance of the past to keep you safe and often from moving across the bridge.

This is the protective side of the subconscious mind.  It is that voice that combines all of who you are with all you have experienced, for the sole purpose of protecting you.

The challenge for many of us is bringing our conscious mind and our subconscious mind in alignment to move us toward what we want to accomplish.  To do this, we frequently have to re-program the bridge keeper.

That is what this website is about.  Re-programming your subconscious mind so we can achieve all in life we want.

This will be a multi-media experience with podcasts, available on iTunes, videos which will be posted in YouTube, and weekly blog posts.  I hope you will subscribe to the feed and we will see you weekly for incredible information on how you can program your subconscious mind to lead you to the life you love.

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Thomas Miller Dallas, TX

Thomas Miller
Dallas, TX